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시청각기록물 자동 품질검사시스템 개발
연구책임자 안기옥 연구참여자 10명
연구기간 2014- 06- 03 ~ 2014- 11- 30 분야 시청각물
발간등록번호 11-1312125-000046-01
국문요약 가. 필름, 테이프류기반의아날로그형오류검출대상확정및알고리즘개발 1) 국내․외아날로그형오류유형및검출을위한연구활동조사 - 국내 방송국 KBS와 유럽연합의 BRAVA, 미국의 AVAA의 연구 활동 및 결과를 조사하여 오류사전을 번역하여, 본사업의기초자료로활용함 - 국외품질검사상용제품의현황을파악하고, 이들제품이자동화한오류의종류를조사함 2) 국가기록원소장필름, 테이프류기록물의오류유형통계및패턴분석 - 국가기록원의 아카이브 영화필름 6346, 비디오 8969건을 중심으로, 오디오 15458건에 대하여 샘플 추출에 의한 육 안검사, 기반기술에의한수동검사, 기반기술에의한자동검사를수행하여오류통계를분석함 - 통계자료를기반으로전문가자문회의를통해국가기록원내오류통계분석에대한자문의견을구하고, 이를기초 로오류검출개발알고리즘을선별한후로드맵을그리기위한참고자료로할용함 3) 발생빈도를고려한아날로그형오류검출알고리즘개발(2개이상) - 빈도수가높은블로치검출알고리즘을개발하여검증하고, 베타캠드롭아웃, 크로마잡음에대한검출알고리즘을 개발하여자동화검출플러그인으로적용함 - 자동화검출플러그인에대하여국가기록원기록물로검사속도및검출률을확인하고TTA 인증절차를진행함 - 블로치 검출 알고리즘에 대하여 특허를 출원하고, 국내 학술대회 논문으로 발표하고, 베타캠 드롭아웃 알고리즘에 대하여SCI등제지인Electronics Letters에제출함 나. 디지털파일기반품질검사기능연계를통한통합형시스템구현 1) 인제스트과정의실시간품질검사를위한인스턴스품질검사기술개발 - 인제스트과정에사용되는VCR의출력SDI신호를분배하여실시간품질검사가능한시험시스템을구축함 2) Block, Block stripe, Freeze frame 등비디오품질검사기능MAM연계 - 디지털파일 기반 비디오 품질검사시험 시스템을기반솔루션에의하여 구축하고, 기록원내기록물 관리시스템 인MAM과품질검사관리가자동연계됨 3) Audio attack, Clipping, Mute 등오디오품질검사기능MAM연계 - 디지털파일 기반 오디오 품질검사시험 시스템을기반솔루션에의하여 구축하고, 기록원내기록물 관리시스템 인MAM과품질검사관리가자동연계됨 다. 개발기술테스트베드구현및현장업무적용가능성테스트 1) 프로토타입형태의테스트베드구현및업무적용가능성검증 - 국가기록원 내SAN등 네트워크 지원환경에 대하여테스트베드의 구축을완료하고 기록물 관리에 따른자동 품질 검사시스템을검증함 라. 프로토타입의디지털화영상․음성자동복원시스템과연계방안제시 - 프로토타입의 디지털화 영상․음성 자동복원시스템을 분석하여 프로세서를 활용한 복원 연동 방법과 알고 리즘의 재구성을 통한 NLE 플러그인 방법을 제안
영문요약 A. Decision regarding the error detection (film, tape based analog error) candidate and related algorithm development 1) Research activity investigation for error type and detection in domestic/international project. - Investigation of research activity/result of KBS (Korea), BRAVA (European Union), and AVAA(USA), related to conversion error, is served as the basis for this project - Grasp the present state of automatic quality checking products internationally, and investigate the error type generated by these products. 2) Analyze the error type statistics and patterns of the film/tapes, possessed by National Archives (NA). - We have 6347 archived movie films, and 8969 videos which NA gave to us. We perform audio visual inspection by sampling with respect to the 15,458 cases. Manual checking is performed by base technologies while automatic checking is performed by base technologies which analyze the error statistics. - We also acquired opinions from specialist through discussions about error statistics analysis found in NA. Screening is performed for already developed error detection algorithm on this basis and used as reference for drawing future road map. 3) Development of analog error detection algorithms by considering occurrence frequency in the archives (more than two algorithms) - We have developed and verified Blotch (which has highest occurrence frequencies), Betacam dropout, and Chroma noise detection algorithms. Automatic detection plug-ins is applied for each of these errors. - About automatic detection plug-in, we check the detection speed and detection rate as using NA media, and proceed with the TTA certification process. - We also submit a patent about blotch detection algorithm, and published in domestic academic conference. Betacam detection method is submitted in Electronics Letters journal (SCI). B. Implement an integrated system with digital file based quality checking links. 1) Develop quality inspection technology for real-time quality checking ingest procedure. - By distributing the output SDI signal from a VCR which is used in ingest procedure, we construct the test system which can be able to test the quality in real-time. 2) Linking Block, Block stripe, Freeze frame and video quality checking to MAM. - Construct quality inspection and test system-based solutions of digital file-based video. Then the management of quality checking is automatically connected with the MAM, the archived media management system deployed in NA. 3) Linking audio attack, clipping, mute and audio quality examination function to MAM - Construct quality inspection and test system-based solutions of digital file-based audio. Then the management of quality examination is automatically connected with the MAM, the archived media management system deployed in NA. C. Implement the development technology test-bed and on-site business feasibility test. 1) Test bed implementation as a prototype, and verify possible work applicability on field service. - such as SAN in NA, including completion of the construction of the test bed for network support environment, and further verify the automatic quality inspection system accordingly to manage the archive medias. D. Propose the way of linking the prototype to video/audio auto-restoration system - Analyze the auto-restoration system of digital video/audio; we propose the possible ways of merging with automatic quality inspection system.
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